Top 8 Questions Dropcopter Gets Asked

From the cutting edge technology to the custom drones; Dropcopter gets asked a lot of questions. We have compiled a quick list of the top questions we get asked, if you have something specific you would like to ask us, you can check us out here.


1. What is Dropcopter?

Dropcopter provides services to growers using multi-rotor drones that dispense material over orchards. We specialize in dispensing the right pollen at the right time to the right places in an orchard to help growers achieve a better fruit set and harvest.

2. Why use Dropcopter?

Besides increasing your fruit and nut set, we are able to maximize your critical bloom time, replenish pollen after heavy rains and fill in for low bee activity. Get in touch if you have a question.

3. How is the pollen applied?

Dropcopter uses custom drones equipped with state of the art software and patented pollinator delivery systems.

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4. What crops do you pollinate?

Currently we are pollinating apples, almonds, cherries and pears. We are able to handle small scale special request, get in touch to see if we can help.

5. Are you licensed to use drones to pollinate?

Yes, we have exemptions from the FAA for aerial operations and all of our pilots are licensed.

6. How many acres can you do per day?

Dropcopter is able to pollinate 20 acres per hour, per drone. You can get a quote if you’re interested.

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7. How much does pollination cost?

The average pollination cost across the board based on our past experience is $300 per acre, which includes 2 applications.

8. What areas of the country are you in?

We have locations in NY, CA, and WA - internationally we are in Brazil and Israel and are capable of being anywhere in the world.

So there they are, the top 8 questions Dropcopter gets asked. Thanks for checking them out with us and if you have any questions you can reach us here.


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